‘Where Every Door Is Open And Every Gift Unlocked.
Sharing God’s Light, Spreading God’s Love and Following God’s Path’

School Council


The aim of our school council here at Witton Church Walk is to ensure the pupils at our school have their voices heard.

It is one of our rights as a child.

The School Council at Witton Church Walk takes a very active part in school life. The council helps to make decisions about how to move forward in a way that will benefit all children within our school community, including deciding how money from kind donations is spent on purchasing new equipment and resources to help enhance pupils' educational and play experiences.

Say hello to your eight new School Councillors for the 2024/25 academic year shown below, looking very proud, after being nominated for this important role by their classmates at the start of the school year.

The School Council has a very important job - discussing within their class the agenda points, bringing views and opinions from their class to the meetings and then feeding this to Mrs Mageira and school governors, discussing how they are finding life at our school and what could be done to further improve the learning experiences of both themselves and their peers.

We wish them well over the coming months as they carry out their important roles under the guidance of Miss Clark (Year 5/6 Teacher)  Together we will maintain the vision and ethos of our school

Where Every Door Is Open And Every Gift Unlocked.
Sharing God’s Light, Spreading God’s Love and Following God’s Path








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