Parental Guidance for Apps & Games
Please find information referring to particular apps/games below:
Disney +
Call of Duty
House Party
Hidden Photo Apps
Smartphone Safety Tips
Information for your children…
Please share these child friendly E-Safety posters with your child/ children and continue to remind them of the importance of staying safe online.
Websites providing Online Safety tips and advice:
There are a host of friendly websites that provide tips and advice on how to stay safe online. It may be useful for children to visit these sites before they complete their first online activity and at regular intervals from then on to ensure they are constantly reminded of Online Safety. The websites include videos, games and quizzes to keep them keep up to date and aware of important ways to remain safe whilst using devices at home.
ThinkUKnow - A child friendly website that provides tips and advice on how to stay safe online.
NSPCC - Keeping Children Safe Online
UK Safer Internet Centre - Resources for 3 - 11 year olds
Be Internet Legends - Reality River... Check It's For Real.
Vodafone Digital Parenting Magazine - Current advice to keep your children safe online.
Research projects
We advise that you use the websites endorsed on class pages. When children are completing research based tasks we suggest that they google the given topic and follow with "for children." For Example, "Ancient Greek infomation for children."
Recreational Use of Technology
As always, whilst at home your children may be using digital devies for recreational uses.
Please find parent information guides for a variety of home devices below.
Apple E-Safety Guide - Family/Parental Controls
Nintendo Switch - Parent Guide
Wii Console - Parental Controls
Xbox - Setting up a family membership
Xbox 360 - Setting Parental Controls
Xbox One - Online Safety and Privacy Settings
Play Station - PS4 Family Management and Parental Controls
Advice on Parental Controls:
In school, we have a variety of filtering systems to ensure that any inappropiate content is blocked. Below is a link with advice on how to set up parental control on your electronic devices. The children are aware to click off anything inappropiate that 'pops up' on the screen. The protocol in school would be to tell an adult if something on the screen has distressed them. Please remind them during online based activities to continue to follow this procedure at home, letting an adult know if this has occured.