‘Where Every Door Is Open And Every Gift Unlocked.
Sharing God’s Light, Spreading God’s Love and Following God’s Path’

Internet Matters

Information for you…
It is important for you to have an awareness, as much as possible, as to what your child is accessing online. The internet is a great tool to aid your children’s learning; however, it does come with risks that can be minimised with careful reminders, open conversations, using devices in shared areas, paired with their E-Safety knowledge.


Internet Matters - Guides to support parents in keeping their children safe online.
Please click on the appropriate link to view the relevant information for the age/s of your children.

0 - 5 guide.png

6 - 10 guide.png

11 - 13 guide.png


Internet Matters - Parenting in the Digital World

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ThinkUKnow - Gaming: what parents and carers need to know

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