‘Where Every Door Is Open And Every Gift Unlocked.
Sharing God’s Light, Spreading God’s Love and Following God’s Path’

Forest School

The Forest School Ethos

Forest School is an approach to education that makes use of the outdoor environment to create a unique learning vehicle. It believes in children's right to play; the right to access outdoors in a woodland environment; the right to access risk; the right to experience the natural world around them; the right to experience a healthy range of emotions, through all challenges of social interaction, to build resilience that enables continued and creative engagement with peers.

About Forest School

Forest School is a programme which aims to protect, nurture and support children’s learning and development. For reception this is an extension to the outdoor learning provision already in place.

From Nursery to Year 6, children have the opportunity to take part in different activities in the woodland environment supporting their social, emotional and physical development.

We do things that are not possible indoors

We can be relaxed and inventive

We move around in a bigger space

We experience the wonders of nature


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