‘Where Every Door Is Open And Every Gift Unlocked.
Sharing God’s Light, Spreading God’s Love and Following God’s Path’

Courageous Advocacy

Sharing God's light, spreading God's love, and following God's path.

At Witton Church Walk, we embrace the Church of England’s vision for education: one that is ‘deeply Christian, serving the common good of the whole community.’ We believe that everyone, at some point in life, will face challenges and need support to overcome barriers. That is why we teach our children the importance of helping others, regardless of who they are, where they come from, or the challenges they face.

Through our curriculum and weekly worship, we provide regular opportunities for children to explore and learn from courageous advocates, both past and present. By studying these figures, who have stood against injustice and overcome obstacles to improve the lives of others, our students are inspired to become courageous advocates themselves. Rooted in biblical teachings, such as Mark 12:31'Love thy neighbour as yourself ,’ we encourage our children to take meaningful action on issues of injustice in the world today.

A key element of this is our Doors of Opportunities initiative, where each year group is encouraged to develop a social action project. These projects empower children to apply their learning in real-world contexts and make a positive difference in their communities. Our aim is that these experiences serve as a springboard, inspiring children to continue engaging in social action and advocacy throughout their lives, in alignment with our school’s vision of "sharing God's light, spreading God's love, and following God's path."


Additionally, our Young Leaders Club provides children with the opportunity to complete the Archbishop of York Award, where they are challenged to "be the change they want to see" in their local communities. As part of this award, the children have on lead social action projects, such as raising awareness for local asylum charities, raising funds for Age UK, and visiting local care homes to support residents.

These initiatives align closely with our school's commitment to serving the common good and equip our children with the skills and compassion to be agents of positive change in the world.

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