‘Where Every Door Is Open And Every Gift Unlocked.
Sharing God’s Light, Spreading God’s Love and Following God’s Path’

Early Years

Witton Church Walk EYFS Curriculum Overview – These are the overarching themes that link us with the rest of the school, over priority will always be given for planning through children’s interests. The Educational programmes have been used to identify activities and experiences for children across the 7 areas of learning. The Prime areas of learning are given priority as they are integral to the development in the specific areas

Characteristics of Effective Learning 

Playing and exploring: - Children investigate and experience things, and ‘have a go’. Children who actively participate in their own play develop a larger store of information and experiences to draw on which positively supports their learning

Active learning: - Children concentrate and keep on trying if they encounter difficulties. They are proud of their own achievements. For children to develop into self-regulating, lifelong learners they are required to take ownership, accept challenges and learn persistence.

Creating and thinking critically: - Children develop their own ideas and make links between these ideas. They think flexibly and rationally, drawing on previous experiences which help them to solve problems and reach conclusions.


Overarching Principles

Unique Child: Every child is unique and has the potential to be resilient, capable, confident, and self-assured.

Positive Relationships: Children flourish with warm, strong & positive partnerships between all staff and parents/carers. This promotes independence across the EYFS curriculum. Children and practitioners are NOT alone – embrace each community.

Enabling environments: Children learn and develop well in safe and secure environments where routines are established and where adults respond to their individual needs and passions and help them to build upon their learning over time.

Learning and Development: Children develop and learn at different rates (not in different ways as it stated 2017). We must be aware of children who need greater support than others.



EYFS has an underlying ethos of ‘Learning through play. PLAY is essential for children’s development across all areas. Play builds on children’s confidence as they learn to explore, to relate to others around them and develop relationships, set their own goals and solve problems. Children learn by leading their own play and by taking part in play which is guided by adults.’

We will ensure that all children learn and develop well and are always kept healthy and safe. 

We use Development Matters 3-4 year old as a guide to identify possible areas in which to extend and challenge their current learning

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